
Peer-reviewed journal articles:

Polard, E., Kraemer, C., Gaffney, L. P., & Juanes, F. 2024. Life inside the tank: The impact of vateritic otoliths on hatchery-reared Coho Salmon. Fisheries.

Gaffney, L. P., Quindazzi, M., Polard, E., Kraemer, C., Walton, L. N., Greentree, W. L., Duguid, W., Bohlender, N., & Juanes, F. (In review). Vateritic otoliths in hatchery-reared Strait of Georgia Coho Salmon: variation among stocks, hatcheries, and life stages. Fisheries Research. Submission ID: FISH13772.

Quindazzi, M., Gaffney, L., Polard, E., Bohlender, N., Duguid, W., & Juanes, F. 2023. Otolith mineralogy affects otolith shape asymmetry: a comparison of hatchery and natural origin Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Journal of Fish Biology 102: 870-882. Doi: 10.1111/jfb.15329.


Presentations at Professional Meetings:

(*Presenting author)

Quindazzi, M., Gaffney, L. P., Polard, E.*, Bohlender, N., Duguid, W., & Juanes, F. (October 2023). Otolith mineralogy affects otolith shape asymmetry: A comparison of hatchery and natural origin Coho Salmon. 7th International Otolith Symposium, Viña del Mar, Chile. Abstract/Poster Presentation.

Gaffney, L. P., Quindazzi, M., Polard, E.*, Walton, L., Kraemer, C., Molder, Z., & Juanes, F. (April 2023). The effect of hatchery rearing conditions on otolith composition in juvenile Coho Salmon. 44th Annual Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Abstract/Poster Presentation [1st Place Poster Presentation].

Gaffney, L. P., Quindazzi, M., Polard, E., Kraemer, C.*, Walton, L., & Juanes, F. (October 2023). Prevalence of vateritic otoliths in hatchery-reared Coho Salmon varies with hatchery facility. 7th International Otolith Symposium, Viña del Mar, Chile. Abstract/Poster Presentation.

Gaffney, L. P.*, Quindazzi, M. J., Polard, E., Duguid, W., & Juanes, F. (October 2023). Flow direction matters: Hatchery-reared Coho Salmon develop less otolith deformities in tanks with alternating water flow direction. 7th International Otolith Symposium, Viña del Mar, Chile. Abstract/Oral Presentation.

Gaffney, L. P.*, Quindazzi, M. J., Polard, E., Duguid, W., & Juanes, F. (August 2023). Flow direction matters: Hatchery-reared Coho Salmon develop less otolith deformities in tanks with alternating water flow direction. 56th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Tallin, Estonia. Abstract/Oral Presentation.

Presentations at invited meetings:

Gaffney, L. P.*, Murchy, K. A., Polard, E., Walton, L., Kraemer, C., & Juanes, F. (September 2024). Investigating the influence of vateritic otoliths on hatchery-reared Coho Salmon predator responses. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, HI, USA. Abstract/Oral Presentation.

Gaffney, L. P.*, Quindazzi, M., Polard, E., Walton, L., Kraemer, C., Molder, Z., & Juanes, F. (May 2024). Flow direction matters: Hatchery-reared Coho Salmon develop less vateritic otoliths in tanks with alternating water flow directions. Goldstream Volunteer Salmonid Enhancement Association Annual General Meeting, Victoria, BC, Canada. Keynote speaker.

Gaffney, L. P.*, Quindazzi, M., Polard, E., Walton, L., Kraemer, C., Duguid, W., & Juanes, F.  (May 2024). Abnormal otoliths: Causes and consequences of vateritic otoliths in hatchery-reared Coho Salmon. Peninsula Streams and Shorelines Society Annual General Meeting, Victoria, BC, Canada. Keynote speaker.

Gaffney, L. P.*, Quindazzi, M., Polard, E., Walton, L., Kraemer, C., Duguid, W., & Juanes, F.   (July 2023). Abnormal otoliths: causes and consequences of vateritic otoliths in hatchery-reared Coho Salmon. Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Science Vancouver Island Regional Chapter, Victoria, BC, Canada. Seminar.

Gaffney, L. P.*, Quindazzi, M., Polard, E., Walton, L., Kraemer, C., Duguid, W., & Juanes, F.  (March 2023). Abnormal otoliths: causes and consequences of vateritic otoliths in hatchery-reared Coho Salmon. Pacific Salmon Foundation Mini Symposium, Victoria, BC, Canada. Oral Presentation.

Gaffney, L. P.*, Quindazzi, M., Polard, E., Walton, L., Kraemer, C., Duguid, W., & Juanes, F.  (February 2021). Abnormal otoliths: causes and consequences of vateritic otoliths in hatchery-reared Coho Salmon. Pacific Salmon Foundation Mini Symposium, Victoria, BC, Canada. Oral Presentation.

Gaffney, L. P.*, Quindazzi, M., Polard, E., Walton, L., Kraemer, C., Duguid, W., & Juanes, F.  (January 2020). Abnormal otoliths: causes and consequences of vateritic otoliths in hatchery-reared Coho Salmon. Pacific Salmon Foundation Mini Symposium, Victoria, BC, Canada. Oral Presentation.